Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Another Day has passed

How time flies when u are having fun... i just heard word from my mum that there was this ntu fella that got caught peeping at some girl bathing in the common toilet. Apparently he was caught by cctv planted all over the hall... freaky to know that. But then again, such incidents have been so common ard ntu so to speak. Just that no one was caught or there were ppl caught but mostly not singaporean. Its always the case when some one of status gets caught its a big hoo ha all about it. It seems this guy is some president of some club or something i really have no idea. But anyhows, u dun see the press writing about blangadish men getting caught peeping or stealing underwear or middle age men caught stealing underwear. What u see is undergraduate stealing underwear and all that jazz. Its all about the headlines. like the recent Tammy incident, nyp student, being a teenager got caught filming her own porn. But no one realised that all this teenagers having sex and undergrads doing nonsense has been ard for ages. Just that most ppl decided to just bo chup about it.
But that guy also very stupid lar.. or suay i would say. NTU very hard to find girls meh?? or is it just a cheap thrill of watching live porn?? what is so exciting about seeing a girl bathing?? diaoz lor... very very diaoz...
Ppl should seriously think first before acting like total idiots. Seriously nothing much to gain from seeing a girl bath.. in the end all u could possiblity get is visual excitement and nothing else. Not that i am saying u should go rape the girl but seriously if that person is so desperate save up 40 dollars and go find the services u need lar.... but then again that is a bad idea too cos of the std u could get. lolz... safest way is to just trust urself and do it urself .. lolz.. that is if u cannot get urself laid...
then again it could just be examination stress lolz... i seriously feel that recently the society is going retro on bad deeds. I dun believe teenagers last time never ever did it b4 marraige. Its just unspoken of..
Even recently the car theft in malaysia, is malaysia and thailand really so unsafe to go.. if what i read is true, Singapore is the safest place to live in and i will never travel outside anymore.. i might no even dare to go down stairs as i could get struck by lightning if i go out of the block. oh no!!! i might even be electricuted by my keyboard.. is there electric in my keyboard.?? hmmm... oh well.. the world is not safe and i am confirm not feeling any safer with peeping toms and pornstars living ard me. I think i will only wait till christmas b4 i go out again. Remember to lock your doors. Its a unsafe world out there!!!!
I think i will just 好好做人 at home with me darling lolz......

Monday, March 27, 2006


Laziness and procastination got to me again! Well, a major pain in the ass called Exclaim 5 just ended. That stupid event that was not so badly planned.... the good news is that i got to drive many vehicles! lolz... i drove one aluminium van, huge manz... one nissan sunny and a peugeot van. After that i rented this silly proton. At first i thought it was good but hor... damn manz.. its so weak, i had to go up slope in 1st gear. Oh well.... what can i say i am good driver lolz....
Yesterday i was driving my dad's car and he was shouting at everything, i was so frustrated i told him i didnt want to drive when i reached the petrol kiosk. Its just too stressing to drive his car. LOLZ....
Many amazing things happened recently, the most recent being the stupidity of human beings kp-ing over some silly photos. Its really something to blog about manz.... But seriously i am not shocked that the person involved was kicking up an unnecessary fuss about the matter. But at the way it was handled... and because of the way it was handled, which i found extremely wrong, alot of unnecessay pain and agony was caused. And poor me being the brother, had to go down and watch one whining bitch and one angry brother whining and shouting even some crying. But it took a lot of laughter to cool things down. Even though i found it a good laugh, i had to deal with my gf feeling hot and stuff... lolz... even though she being such a dear, immediately stop complaining once i thought her she is not helping.
Its been almost 2 months now and i am enjoying every moment with my darling. The recent events happening around me made me realise that i should not take things for granted. Even a friendship that lasted for 3 years can go bust over some photos and biasness towards another person's other half. Even if u dun like ur friend's gf, is there a point in putting ur friend in such a terrible position over some photos?? Granted that the photos had extremely important value, now that its been deleted, Can u do anything about it? what is the point in chasing after thin air?? how hard is that?? Lucky for us that night my dear friend's gf was calm, not super calm but at least not as hot headed as usual. I am super proud of that. But hor, i didnt understand y she had to go down in the first place. If some one wanna find problem with me, and i go down to let the person find problem with me then where i put my face sia. If the person really wanna find problem with me then come down and find me lar. Why do i have to make myself available so that i can make the person's life any easier? I would rather make the person so bloody irritated that he or she jumps out her skin. The more angry u get me, the more i will irritate the bloody living daylights out of u... lolz... and trust me i am very good at that.
But instead, i see three adults behaving like kids with raging hormones over some photos... lolz... that never fails to amaze me.
That aside, I hope all my friends have great results for this semester and graduate in time.
The rest of the amazing things will be updated soon.. cos i am too lazy again ... lolz....

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


it seems that ppl ard me are having alot of problems. I came home today tired and very very sweaty due to the obscene weather tonight. hmmm....
I was reading my darling's blog and i see her saying so many things that sound all so familiar to me muahha... but seriously when is it right for a man to cry? We were brought up as guys. When most of us cry, our parents would say u are a boy or man dun cry shame shame. or something along that line. its in our mentality not to cry in public at least. Childhood plays such an important part in our lives. it really shapes us. So being brought up thinking that crying is taboo cos we have dicks and that it is not manly, its only natural that men usually dun cry in public. But because of the recent snag thinge and metrosexual thinge, men are starting to become more and more like women and women with the equalities thinge going on, are starting to become like men. I love the idea of women equality thinge. But men, crying, makeup and all that jazz just dun do it for me. Of cos i too like to look good and smell good but makeup and crying is still NONO to me.
Today i was at the coffee shop and my friend asked for tissue paper. Apparently all of us did not carry any and he past a sweeping statement that we were all not snags. Then i thought hey! who the hell said that carrying tissue paper ard was a snag?!?
I got that idea from reading a mag though. But i really dunnoe... who is the guru that made everyone believe that carrying tissue paper ard is a snaggy thing to do??!! then it dawned upon me .. like crying this is all just plain old stereotyping. I Say Cry if u want to pussy and carry tissue paper ard Snaggy. Cos as long as u are doing something that u are comfortable with or u are just being u and not trying to be somebody u think u are.. then what the hell... Nike manz... just do it. Dun let peer pressure or stereotyping get in the way of ur wonderful carefree life. Dun let the ppl ard u tell u who u are. Be urself. Be a Man... its the choices u make that makes u a better man. And its always the hard way that is usually the right way.. muhahahaha...
Right... thats just my crap... pls dun fine me or charge me or whatever.. :P

Thursday, March 16, 2006


Its happening to me now.. my younger sister is growing up faster then i can imagine. doing things that i have been doing. When i was doing it i found it perfectly fine. But when i realised that my younger sister is doing it i found it very wrong... for fear that she would go down the wrong path and do the wrong thing. But then again for fear of being the bossy and idiotic brother, I decided to worry in silence. It got me wondering .. was that how my parents were feeling when they found out that i had a girlfriend, was smoking and drinking underaged and doing all that nonsense? Were they just acting blur just like what i am doing now?
I was reading my sister's blog that day and realised that she was drinking.. at that age i mean i was doing the same thing but then to me ... i felt it was kinda wrong. but since i am guilty of the same crime too i decided to just stfu and watch from afar.....
I guess at a certain point or another it is fun to have a younger sibling to see and watch the entire process of growing up and also worrying for them... its like a preview of having a child the diff being i dun have to pay for her everything... muahha...
It dawned upon me that sooner of later it will be my turn to worry and to toss and turn in bed waiting for my child to come home safely.
Worrying for someone u love is part and parcel of life i guess(If u have a hint of feelings in u). Its just how u handle it that is different i guess. for me i chose to watch and wait... so as to allow my little sister to go through the school of hard knocks without and interference as when u fall on ur own, that is when u will truly learn the lesson. Its very similar to bicycle riding... u cannot teach a person to ride a bicycle by talking to them, u must let them go on the bicycle, try to balance and fall. throught this falling they will feel the pain, get up and go on with riding again. this skill would be something u will never forget.
Oh wth! I think everyone will pick up some bad in their life as life is not all good. as long as its not the evils i think that it would be fine... Street smarts always would win the book smarts i guess. So fingers crossed, i hope my sis picks up the right smarts ... muahhaha.... Cheers.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Ego trip

I just realised that blogging is a very one min hot thing for me.. i wonder how those bloggers do it. maybe i still feel better writing in the diary.. my dad once told me that its good to keep a diary on how things went in the day and to reflect on what u wanna do the very next day. But like him, i was to lazy to keep one. Laziness i think is a very consistent thing in my family. We are habitually lazy... even my maid is getting infected. I think that the laziness will soon kill me one day...
anyways who gives a damn... i am happy now and that is the most important thing. But still i am very very pissed with some ppl and they are freaking irritating sobs that do not understand that a leadership role should not be handled in the fashion they did but then again me being always the lower level staff can only see and never comprehend the workings of a higher level staff... muhaha but then again i have done far greater things then this bozos have ever done or accomplished in their lifetime... LOSERS! .. there i feel all better now.... it seems that i have this problem... i cannot tolerate incompetence. oh well... what can i say ... i know i am good .. ... muahha.. okie that felt good too....
nothing good in this blog to read.. its just simple manz ego trip for today muhahaha...

Saturday, March 11, 2006


One more day of loving and spending time together.... We just finished watching Big Mama's house 2. I tell u it was funny but not as funny as i expected it to be though... I tell u fat ppl like myself and Big mama can really be funny hahaha.

So Cute!

She is so pretty i tell u look how happy i am.... Its been one month and 11 days liaoz...

This is me carrying my love with one hand ... yes i know u might be thinking i am strong... but i think it is cos she is light.

Hungry as usual.... look what the two piggies cooked up! Sumptous i know... its damn sinful manz.... it just look so gooood......

what can i say .....

anyways i just had such a great time i thought i would share it with my friends and anyways i love looking at my own blog.. okie i know its lame... but i think i am getting the hang of blogging.. but like all new stuff... i wonder how long i can last blogging... i think i have a month of lifespan in this blogging business.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Meeting up

Yesterday i met up with mika and richie at nickole's working place. Richie as usual cracking jokes and talking about generical stuff with us. I mean i meet him pretty often what can i expect? The one friend that i have been meeting since JC. Even through army i went down to coffee shops to meet this bugger, ok i am being nice, i usually call him bitch... haha. I remember when nickole first saw my msn msg i was calling richie hey bitch! and she thot i was saying her.. hahaha.. how sensitive... i think my poor bro had to spend sometime explaining to her that i always call him bitch and that pat and others calls him slut. Yesterday our dear brother Mika decided to allocate some time for us and squeezed us into his tight schecdule muhaha.... It was great seeing him again and listening to him talk about his logical way of looking at life. It was pretty refreshing. It never fails to amaze me the way he thinks and how extreme my brother can get. Being a very nice guy, he has high expectations of brothers and friends alike. Like i was telling them, i am the lousy one but somehow they slammed me because of the way i talk!
It got me thinking.. maybe i talk like an arrogant SOB. But hor i think i very humble liaoz.. muhaha... okie that is not me that is alvinism at work. First law of alvinism, i am the One muhahaha
But on a more serious note, i know i am arrogant(Confident) and self conceited(Self sufficent) and insensitive(Straight). But still i am a nice guy. muhahaha. Wait a min! Why am i defending myself? When i was in my teens i am pretty sure i am a pain in most ppls asses, but one thing i know for sure brothers in need will never be abandoned. i will go down oil mountain and over fire for them .. muhaha.
I have learned that i talk to much.. as hard as i try i still am. Since new year just came i might as well have a new year resolution. That would be not to talk to much... muhaha.
It is always great to meet up with that few brothers once in a while. Even if they come to u with problems. It only means they trust u and that u are a good listening ear and the pure fact that they enjoy ur company even when they are down.
I seriously miss meeting those really super long lost brothers, but u know hor, as life passes through different stages, friends come and go and it takes alot of effort to keep up. I remember all those late nights hanging out together and talking rot and doing rubbish stuff together. Not that i am not happy now lar.. i am very very happy having found some one to hold and someone that truly understands me and accept me for who i am. But some times its good to think of the good times.
Brothers! if u are free pls call me and lets go out for coffee. ;p

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Just some feelings

Woke up feeling not so well.... Watched the wonderful movie patch adams again. its like the 10th time or so i watch it but still it never fails to jerk a tear from the corner of my eye. the feeling i get is overwhelming. hmmm... Overwhelming the feeling i have been getting recently. Recently i feel i have been rather easily overwhelmed. Maybe it because of the limitations of my vocabulary. I was once told that my england suxs big time and that i have extremely terrible vocab and sentence structures. And me being the average and normal student knowing how stupid i am never doubted that person's or those peoples' comments on my england.
Hunter Patch Adams in the show is so touching and heart felt, the non conformist( i dunnoe if got such a word). The scene at the mental hospital is the most memorable and has last such a lasting impression in my life that i truly leave by . It was when the genius self admitted inventor asked patch how many fingers he see. and the answer most ppl would give is 4. but the real answer is 8 or more. The bottom line is that when u focus on the problem, it usually blinds u from the solution. U have got to look beyond the problem and that is where u would find the solution. Seeing things the way ppl chose not to see. doing things the way other ppl would never think of.... being the special one and having the courage to walk a path that is less travel.
Here i am going on towards graduation(i hope) and i did take the path less travelled not in a good way. So in Singapore i am not the smart one cos i screwed up. my goals and focus on life is wrong(what most ppl will say). but deep down inside i always wondered. how does patch get into a medical school in the first place. In singapore if u self admitted into Wood bridge i am pretty sure u can go to medical school after that. Since young i was taught to conform... as hard as i fight it and trust me i did fight it almost literally. But now i realise that the only way for me to survive is to get that paper, being in this paper rush society.
After having so many stupids in this blog, Mind u i dun think i am stupid and i am pretty i am smarter then most muhahhaha. I am just being humble... but then being too humble is booastfu.. hmmm... weird. One things is for sure, I AM LAZY. This is the common problem for most teens and adults or human beings isnt it? I lazed thru 20 years of my life and started to get slighty more hardworking and less procastinating i guess. then again most of friends would say i am a slacker i guess. lazy to the core is what my parents say i am. I have no idea i passed my exams so far. Luck and a pince of blessings i guess. The movie truly triggers alot of thoughts in me. Every time i watch it i get something new out of it. I find it so inspiring so real....
After every movie i watch i dunnoe about u but i bring something out of it. be it the furnies or the little logics. often enuf i enjoy the plot twist and all that jazz.. but i truely love the logics and the meanings between the lines. I love the way the script writer can do the line. the way words are being used, the politically correct ways of putting things. the way ppl talk to show the characteristics of the character they are playing. Actors play a very important part too of cos. But ultimately i carry all these with me and use them when the need comes along. I find it fun and extremely entertaining. At least my darling finds me entertaining enough hahha.....
I hope that she never spents a sad or boring day as long as i am with her.
but recently i realised i have not been reading the papers. i was browsing thru and i realised that so near to home there are many twisted things going on.... like guy stabbing his agressor and teen kill girl in car accident. I thought singapore was getting safer.. damn! Is this the retro phrase again? Crime is going retro on us again... Retro is the new in thing. Before u know it , staring incidents, bengz fights and all that jazz would be the in thing agian. muhahahaha... seriously, yesterday's home page was abit disturbing if u asked me.
Ar well Just some nonsensical thought coming out of my brain ....

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Talk about being loved manz... feeling sick, slept with zero disturbance, and woke up to a smiling face loving girl and thats not all. Burger with wonderful amount of mayo, homemade mind u. and when u finish eating that wonderful burger with lots of mayo and lots of love, there is a peice of tissue paper just there waiting for u to use it. Together with all that is the fact that ur darling is sitting there right beside u.
damn i tell u that is power the pack! its the simpler things in life that gets to me i tell u. having a loved one treat u with such tender loving care. whoa! what else do u need in life? seriously some people just do not appreciate the simple things in life and want more and more and more and more. I mean i understand that its human nature to be wanting more even sometimes i am guilty of that but hor pls lar... be abit the zi dong lar... lucky for me i found my angel this time round. She is like a dream come true manz i tell u . ever nice to me, let me make fun of , even make me meals and the freaking best part is the list goes on. when i mean go on its like i can type a list so long u will freaking not want to read my blog manz.
This is one of those times that u are so happy in the relationship that just need to brag about it so pls just bare with me muhaha. I AM SO HAPPY! Even most of my friends that met her say wha! alvin this one where u find one......
Erm i found this angel just sitting there at the coffee shop then i ask her wanna be my girlfriend mar cos i ho love de wor.... would be my answer.
Sometimes i feel that blogging is like macham talking to myself with the risk of ppl reading and laughing at me sia. the person who reads my blog can really understand and know wtf i am thinking about... omg that makes me crazy and exposed!!!! that is seriously freaking me out.. i think i better stop b4 everyone knows how much i have fallen in love with my darling. Muhahaha......
Love u lots Darling not for what u do for me but for who u are when u are with me and also cos u make me wanna be the best so that i can match up to u . hee ;P

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

If only i knew

Did u know that when u are freaking tired and with minimal amount of slp u r like a hyena. U practically laugh at anything and everything. Today i realised that.. whoa i tell u... i couldn't stop laughing. even bloody kena choked by my very own saliva.. how rare is that? could u imagine the newpaper headlines? Undergrad sucide, died by choking on own saliva... how tragic... i am telling u .. maybe in some remote place on earth someone has died of choking on their own saliva.. i mean i literally turned red manz.. if the person had alot of phelgm in his throat too i am extremely sure he or she would have died.
Boy! what a day i am having... so interesting as always, always laughing and talking lots of crap. seriously stephen chow and jim carey are my idols manz.. no they are my gods. i freaking worship them... even i being the joker have to seek inspiration from them .. muhahaha.
today i had sure a hearty laugh with nat that we both almost OD on laughter. face red rolling ard and feeling stomach cramps manz. for those who dun know OD = overdose.
The things u do when u are crazy in love.. haha u wanna spend every moment with one another, miss each other even after u just put down the phone or just saw the person 5 mins ago. but then again i think that is my own twisted opinion and most ppl might think its too sticky.
I've got a friend that tells me that meeting less means lesser conflict. But i was thinking WTH?
if meeting less means less conflict then u r freaking not in love at all lar.. just freaking breakup and fall in love with a girl that u cannot stand living without lar.... if meeting = conflict then its like u are saying u freaking see the person liaoz u wanna whack the person. then in the first place y get together? weird sia....

This is me bulling my way ard and writing a super long and horrendous blog entry ... muhahaha...
i have so many things to say so little time.. muahhaha... this is my 500 mil worth of thoughts. so if u buy it pls send the money to my posb acc. muhahaha....


This is Muas virgin blog.... Since getting infected by the virus of reading my gf's blog so constantly and not getting to see regular updates, i decided to write one of my own. so that i can blog everyday. then again that is if i have the mood.. muhahha.

Recently i have developed this habit to read richie's and nickole's blog too.. and the blog being so short i complete in a couple of mins, or secs hmmm... then i went in search for more blogs to read to satisfy the kapo in me. the chicken po in me muhahaha.. then i came across some pretty interesting ppl which such interesting views and great stories to tell. then i dawned upon me that maybe my Great simple life could be interesting to some bored guy or gal out there like me. And since my girlfriend always says i got this thag with words, i decided to preach to the world.

Watch out World! Muas is here to Stay! muhahhahha.

There first blood... hee.. like all first times. then again i remember that some ppl dun or will never see the blood cos of riding bicycles and doing weird stuff with pointed objects. opps.. too much detail there.... But what the hell.. i managaed to make my girlfriend laugh and that is all that matters...

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